Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
These are the Adults in charge of watching over the students here at Hogwarts. They are also our Professors as well as the grounds staff at Hogwarts. Their jobs very in what they teach as well as what type of staff they are. (Few of them are Restricted and Reserved. If Reserved then they can be bargained to be.) It's just like any school. Each staff member has a specific job and they should do it with the confidence of their respected fields.
(Vacant Reserved)

Astronomy: (Vacant)

The Astronomy Professor, Aurora is said to have seen the stars from a young age with a vision. That vision being that she believes the students will become their own stars from time to time.
"A book can be a star, A living fire to Lighten the Darkness. Leading out into the Expanding Universe."
Charms: Filius Fitwick(Vacant)

The Charms Professor, He knows most to all of the Charms used at Hogwarts. He's caring as well as a good friend to most of the students in his class. Though watch out sometimes people tend to overlook the little guys he'll tell you differently.
The Dark Arts: (Vacant)

Defense Against the Dark Arts Tesandra 'Tess' Lathum
In a few words, She's as strong and serious as Alaster Moody but she's got the attitude alone of Gilderoy Lockheart. Mrs. Tessandra or Tess as she's called by the other professors is strong, caring and she's a little crazy from time to time. She seems to always know the right spells to use against certain beings.
She isn't all talk like Gilderoy she's just all hyped up to teach at Hogwarts. Being one of the top students in her class some 40 years ago. Now back at Hogwarts she's always seen in either her classroom or the dueling room to help the younger years learn their spells easier.
Though like Alaster Moody, she can be somewhat of a tough shrew. Though I wouldn't call her that to her face.
(Character is taken Profile will be added soon.)
Herbology: Pomona Sprout (Vacant)

The Herbology Professor and head of House Hufflepuff. Pomona Sprout is said to be one of the best in the world with Herbology. Though some of the students find her a bit funny at times due to she always has a green thumb.
History of Magic: Cuthbert Binns (Vacant)

The History of Magic Professor. Binns has the distinction of being the only teacher at Hogwarts who is a ghost. It is said that one day he took a nap in a chair in the teachers' lounge/staff room and died in his sleep; later, he simply got up to go to teach his next class and "left his body behind". His lessons are said to be notoriously boring and it is mentioned that the most exciting thing that ever happens in his class is his "entering through the blackboard". As a ghost, he seems unaware of his change from living to dead.
Muggle Studies: Charity Burbage (Vacant)

The Muggle Studies professor. She's usually alone due to the fact she's just the professor who talks about the Muggles. Not many students come to her class after to learn more about said muggles. She doesn't mind one bit though when they do come to her class to learn.
Potions: Severus Snape (Reserved) (Vacant)

Severus Snape
Who is Professor Snape? He's the Potions Master who else? Though he's dabbled in the Dark arts being a former Death Eater till he found out that one of the students that was targeted was none other than Harry Potter, Son of Lilly and James Potter. When Severus was a student himself at Hogwarts he fell in love with another student Lilly Evans Who almost felt the same way about Severus. That was till Lilly met James Potter. Still feeling for Lilly he'd keep eyes on her family even when the Dark Lord Voldemort killed Lilly and her Husband James.
When Harry the son of Lilly and James came to Hogwarts Severus on several occasions saw Lilly's spirit inside Harry, Vowing to keep the child safe though in a discrete way.
Severus is the type of Professor to be hard on students, Though
some times he's been shown to have a soft side from time to time that no student has seen.
(Reserved for someone who thinks they can handle the role of Severus Snape. Contact Admin(s) for permission to play Severus in the Hogwarts RP.)
(Rip Allan Rickman, The One and Only 'Severus Snape.')
Transfiguration: (Vacant)

Professor Minerva McGonagall is one of the elder professors at Hogwarts. She's careful, calculating and sometimes comes off as an old prune. She's one of the stronger supporters of Hogwarts that always seems to care for the students more than she lets on.
She's a master in Transfiguration. So watch out or you'll see her around when you don't even realize it.
Her special form is a Normal ole tabby cat, Black, and grey stripes. She's often stayed in her cat form to watch students as they work in class, Catching those who are late and who don't pay attention.
(Character isn't taken just yet but is sought after.)